Staff Transport Shuttles to Major Distribution Parks including Magna Park

Staff Transport Shuttles to Major Distribution Parks including Magna Park

Increasing demand for staff in large distribution sheds in out-of-town locations can provide challenges for companies in terms of recruitment.

We can help by transporting your staff to and from work according to your required shift patterns meaning that they are not reliant upon scheduled bus services.

This helps your business to recruit and retain staff from a wider area as well as reducing the carbon footprint of your business by reducing the number of car journeys.

We are ideally placed to serve Magna Park Lutterworth, DIRFT, Hinckley Park and Prologis Park from Leicester, Coventry and Northampton.

To find out more about how we can help you with your staff transport solutions

#magnapark #daventryinternationalrailfreightterminal #DIRFT #prologispark #hinckleypark #GLP


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