Staff Transport by Coach Helping Businesses with Staffing Shortages

Staff Transport to work


Large sheds on major distribution parks are opening up across the midlands within the golden triangle area to serve the upward trend of online retail.  Some businesses are finding that the number of opportunities created far out-number the candidates available locally to their sites.  This means that businesses need to widen their search area for staff to towns and cities further afield.

This presents several problems for your business

  • Not all potential employees have access to transport, either public or private, limiting your candidate pool
  • Fuel costs are on the rise and they will continue to for the foreseeable future, current and potential employees will begin to feel the pinch. As the cost of living rises, staff may find that running their cars to work will become too expensive and may begin to look for work closer to home.
  • Staff that travel to work by car are contributing to the numbers of cars on the road creating congestion and contributing to pollution as a result.

These are problems that could have a major impact on a business’s productivity and potentially its customers.

The solution to this problem can be simple to solve

  • By providing staff with a subsided or even free transport shuttle by coach to enable them to get to work relatively inexpensively, it effectively widens the potential to recruit and retain staff from a much wider geographical area.
  • Staff transport shuttles can help reduce the high turnover of staff as free or subsidised transport to work is regarded as being highly beneficial to them. Staff are less likely to be lured away to other jobs by the promise of better rates of pay and benefits.
  • Providing transport for your staff also reduces the number of single occupancy cars on the road which has a positive impact on air pollution, reduces your businesses carbon footprint and helps you to meet sustainability targets.

Swift Valley can help you to provide transport for your staff.

Our main depot based in Lutterworth, is ideally located to serve the needs of companies based at Magna Park Lutterworth, Daventry International Railway Freight Terminal (DIRFT) and Rugby Gateway transporting staff from Leicester, Coventry, Hinckley, Rugby and Northampton.

We have a proven track record of providing staff transportation services for large companies with reliability and continuity of service being our strength.

We can work with your business to provide a transport service for your employees, meeting the needs of your shift patterns, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so that your staff are not reliant upon scheduled bus services which often run at times that are not convenient to your business and employees.

The benefits to your company by procuring Swift Valley to provide coach travel for your employees include

  • Staff arrive ready to work safely, stress-free and on-time for their shift.
  • Transport can be tailored to serve the shift patterns of your business.
  • Your business will save money on recruitment and see an increase in staff retention.
  • Allows your business to respond quickly at peak times when higher staffing levels are necessary to meet the demands of the business.
  • Helps your company to reduce its carbon footprint and meet sustainability targets.
  • Our vehicles are based locally to Magna Park (GLP), DIRFT (Prologis) and Rugby Gateway (Roxhill).

To discuss your transportation requirements and find out more about us and how we can help you give our Staff Transport Solutions team a call on 01455 552414 or complete our contact form

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