Waterperry Gardens



Waterperry Gardens is a place where you are surrounded by beautiful trees, shrubs and flowers, classical borders, modern planting, secret corners and long vistas.

Home to the renowned horticultural college between 1932 and 1971, over the past twenty years the gardens have developed and grown, and many new projects have been undertaken and completed.

You’ll now find a Formal Garden, the Mary Rose, a Water Lilly Canal, the Long Colour Border, and the recently planted small arboretum in the meadow area beyond the canal.

Waterperry Gardens has a tea shop where you can purchase lunch or refreshments and on our return we call in at Bicester Avenue Garden Centre for a bit of retail therapy.

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This trip to Waterperry to view the stunning gardens includes a stop at Bicester Avenue Garden Centre (Blue Diamond) on the return journey.

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